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2023 - 2024 Annual Giving Campaign




Annual Giving funds received this year will be used to support priorities identified in our strategic plan, Meaningful Learning for Life and invested into important improvements that will impact the day-to-day lives of our students.

Your generosity plays a critical role in all of this and The Annual Giving Campaign provides the RDS Community with an opportunity to participate in giving back to the School we all love. Donations of any amount are appreciated; our goal is to get as much of our community participating as possible. With your help, we can make it happen!

Annual Giving Priorities


Living Wall & Hydroponic Garden: RDS would like to install a living wall to enable students to study plants and hydroponic gardening techniques. Building on existing experiential learning, this would enable students to have hands-on experiences growing plants and food. 


Classroom Enhancements: Led by our Junior and Middle School Coordinators, Mrs. Laura Trought and Mrs. Julia Buwalda, they would like to continue to update our student learning environments with new technology, soft furniture and other improvements.


Arts: Led by Ms. Recknagel, we would like to develop a dedicated student art gallery on the 3rd floor, with proper lighting to display students’ work. Art plays a vital role in child development by developing creativity, language, and non-verbal communication skills.


STEAM Program: Led by Mr. Scott Ramkissoon, our Middle School Science Specialist and STEAM Coordinator (JK-8), would like to purchase a class set of  Virtual Reality Headsets to enable students to leverage this technology to augment their learning and thinking.

The 2022 -2023 RDS Annual Report

We are proud to present the RDS Annual Report for 2022-2023 which showcases our community's achievements last year.

2021 - 2026 Strategic Plan 

The Board, Senior Leadership and Staff at RDS are thrilled to share Meaningful Learning for Life. This plan is based on the collective input and shared aspirations of the entire RDS Community led by our partner, Future Design School.

This plan intentionally builds on the strengths of RDS, while also clearly describing how we will meet future challenges and opportunities head on. The core of RDS, reflected in our mission, "RDS develops and inspires the authentic character and potential of each child", remains unchanged.