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Reggio Inspired

At RDS, both classrooms and curricula are designed with the intention of being easily accessed and interpreted by children according to their age and comprehension level.

Younger years enjoy a classroom reminiscent of home with items placed at eye-level and a focus on social-emotional learning. The Reggio Method incorporates provocations (creative work stations) that encourage independent problem solving skills and design-based thinking. Students learn about belonging and the importance of contributing through co-regulation, empathy and constructive conflict solving.

As children grow, they are introduced to a culturally responsive pedagogy while taking ownership through productive failure, compassionate leadership and solution-oriented thinking. Thorough academic preparation, as well, deepens across all subjects as students mature so that they are engaged, keen and future-ready in high school and beyond.

Compassion Is Our Compass 

RDS students learn to acknowledge gender, race and cultural differences in tandem with the exploration of their own identity and duty of character as well the importance of their contribution. Our DEIJ learning will never stop evolving and we are deeply committed to honouring the broad, global and historical context of these matters as well as the unique voice of each and every child and the future that they aspire to create. 

Learning Naturally 

Nature plays a large role in the Reggio Method. Our inquiry-based Wonder Walks for little ones and experiential outdoor excursions for older grades are very popular.
Visits to The Royal Ontario Museum and The Art Gallery of Ontario are enjoyed by students of all ages at RDS as is the access to the University of Toronto's Athletic Facilities.

How Children See Themselves Matters

At RDS, children know from an early age that they belong, that they matter, and that they can make a difference. Through guided inquiry and productive, design-led narratives, teachers help young learners solve problems using active involvement and self-regulation.

Whether its structured literacy or critically thinking about broad, complex topics, great care is taken to construct an environment that allows for easy and engaged exploration. This fosters an attitude of empowerment, a proclivity for lifelong problem solving, and a deep sense of belonging.

“Quisque Infans Singularis Est” is our motto and understanding that “each child is unique.” 

We honour different learning styles

What is learned in one subject will be reiterated in another. This is because varied presentations of the same topic ensure that all children have the chance to understand and connect with material at a level, and in a way, that is appropriate for them. This approach is called cross-curricular and requires a deep level of connection and commitment from our teachers and learning strategists. Community is our Culture.