“Quisque Infans Singularis Est” is our motto and understanding that “each child is unique.”
Our Commitment
At The Rosedale Day School we are committed to creating a respectful learning environment where all community members feel safe and accepted. We work together to dismantle all forms of racism and discrimination while upholding the values of diversity, equity, inclusion (DEIJ). We hold ourselves accountable to this commitment by providing continued professional development opportunities in order to build curricula that is rooted in anti-discrimination and anti-racism practices. We do this by:
- Forming a DEIJ committee with dedicated staff whose purpose is to facilitate an organizational culture shift that is centred around anti-racism/discrimination and advocacy.
- Increasing DEIJ awareness through the revision of policies and hiring practices at RDS.
- Building community into the classroom through Zoom guest speakers from various marginalized groups.
- Owning our mistakes, apologizing, and showing bravery in the face of challenging conversations.
The Rosedale Day School’s goal is to be a transformative institution whose school and classroom practices are guided by anti-racism and anti-discrimination education in order to best support the needs and lived experiences of all RDS community members. We recognize that an organizational culture as such requires a continuous process of progressive learning, challenging assumptions, and reflecting on our practices.
Acknowledging and understanding the identities of members of the RDS community that make us different. These differences include and are not limited to race, ability, sexual orientation, gender, religion, socio-economic background.
Equity involves understanding and honouring all members of our community and their lived experiences while providing equal access to opportunities, resources, and support systems.
Consciously creating a community and brave space that allows any person to participate, feel represented and reflected within the curriculum. Inclusion facilitates safety and a true sense of belonging while also encouraging learning from each other.
Social Justice
Social justice involves deliberately questioning and challenging norms. Through a social justice lens, members of our RDS community work to examine and dismantle systems of racism, patriarchy, and white supremacy that affect the equitable experience of all students, particularly students who are marginalized or under-represented.